Collage of three pictures side by side, on the left Lukas Juretko, a white man with a bald head, three-day beard and white T-shirt, looking sternly at the camera. In the centre is Luca Schuldt with very long brown hair. He is smiling. On the right is the frontal portrait photo of Julia Boxler, who also has long brown hair and is wearing a blue top with a zip at the front. Her lips are painted red.
Lukas Juretko, Luca Schuldt, Julia Boxler
Thursday, 29.8.2024
19:30 – 20:30, Museum in der Kulturbrauerei
Free entry!

»Metal im ›Osten‹: Fantum, Rechtsrock, Gatekeeping und Gender« (de)

Luca Schuldt, Lukas Juretko, Moderated by Julia Boxler

This genre-specific talk will focus on metal and its fans. Some of the subtopics are politics, breaking down stereotypes, and gender roles, as well as new genre hybrids – including pole dancing.
In addition to exploring the cultural and social role of metal in Eastern European countries and specifically within the GDR and the new German states, the panel also explicitly looks at its links to right-wing scenes.

What makes metal in the ›East‹ different? Are metal and its weaponisation by the right merely a marginal phenomenon? How does the bipolar simultaneity of opposing political scenes occur? Metal = toxic masculinity? Gatekeeping – how hard is it to get into metal scenes?

Metalhead, lecturer, and pole dancer Lukas Juretko will join Luca Schuldt, who researches gender roles in heavy metal bands from the GDR and organises metal events, to reflect on opposing ideologies within a music genre that walks the line between subculture and mass phenomenon. The discussion welcomes you to immerse yourself in German, Polish, and Ukrainian metal subcultures and to philosophise about the gatekeeping of this identity-forming music culture.

As a special at the end of the event, a pole dance performance to metal will be shown on video, underlining that the genre includes representations of masculinity that go beyond the usual clichés.
This discussion is conceptualised and moderated by Julia Boxler (X3 Podcast – PostOst Migra-Perspektiven, ARTE Tracks East).

It is scheduled as part of the exhibition »Heavy Metal in der DDR«.

Collage of three pictures side by side, on the left Lukas Juretko, a white man with a bald head, three-day beard and white T-shirt, looking sternly at the camera. In the centre is Luca Schuldt with very long brown hair. He is smiling. On the right is the frontal portrait photo of Julia Boxler, who also has long brown hair and is wearing a blue top with a zip at the front. Her lips are painted red.
Lukas Juretko, Luca Schuldt, Julia Boxler