11.07.2024 / 19.30 -

Pop-Kultur lokal 2024 #3: »FEMMES TOTALES«

Strong, blooming, feminine and experienced: four female songwriters lead through a musically poetic journey with four soundscapes and four inner lives, celebrating independence and unity in equal measure and courting the indestructibility of the female spirit. With a powerful message to all women and their lovers, they give the unheard a voice and seek to inspire the like-minded, the searching and those wanting to understand. Eternal youth? Unattainable. Lasting beauty? Definitely present, in the here and now.

Jana Berwig (DE)
Amalia Chikh (DE-FR-ALG)
Teika (DE-AT-IRL)
Lilli Bandt (DE)

Neue Zukunft Berlin
Alt-Stralau 68
10245 Berlin